As the manifesto explains, "London’s schools are among the most celebrated in the world. Yet they face real challenges every day from complex issues such as child poverty, unfit testing regimes and funding cuts. We believe that every child deserves the best education that this city can offer. Inside this manifesto you’ll find our suggestions for maintaining and extending the excellence in London schools and a call on the next Mayor of London to help teachers create a fairer society for all".
You can download a full copy of the manifesto from the NUT national website, and also order more copies for local use. Below is a summary of its main proposals for London's education:
1. A good local school for every child
Every child has the right to a quality education and every parent should be able to send their child to a good school that is close to home. Yet this is becoming increasingly difficult to guarantee for parents in London. The Government’s academy and free school policy has prevented councils from opening local authority schools where they are most needed. Councils have also been denied the legal power to require academies or free schools to take in more children when they have space available.
We call on the next Mayor and London Assembly to:
* champion local councils regaining the power and the funding to open new schools
* hold an investigation into the impact of the Government’s academy and free school programme on the availability of school places.
* champion local councils regaining the power and the funding to open new schools
* hold an investigation into the impact of the Government’s academy and free school programme on the availability of school places.
2. Affordable housing for children and teachers
Exorbitant housing costs are creating a teacher shortage crisis that will hit every school and college in London. Living in London is no longer a sustainable, long-term option for teachers. Meanwhile unaffordable rents are forcing many families into unsuitable housing, where insecurity impacts on children’s ability to settle and make progress in school. Teachers tell of ‘disappearing children’ as families are priced out of their communities and forced to relocate sometimes hundreds of miles away. Urgent action is needed.
Read more in the latest issue of 'The Teacher' |
* advocate for rent controls and for more affordable housing in London, with investment for councils to build homes, so that parents and children are not priced out of their community
* take urgent action to provide affordable housing to enable London schools to keep the teachers they need.
3. Education - invest, don't cut
Independent experts believe that over the next five years the schools budget will be cut by 8% nationally. Children in London will face even greater cuts, because the Government wants to cut funding from the capital’s schools in order to give it to schools in other parts of the country. Many Inner London boroughs could face real terms cuts of 15 - 20%. Cuts are already resulting in increased class sizes, fewer teachers and support staff, reduced classroom resources and the slashing of essential support for children with special educational needs. This will all get worse if the Government goes ahead with its funding plans.
We call on the next Mayor and London Assembly to:
Read the NUT's full analysis of 'false funding' |
* campaign to protect funding for London’s schools and colleges
* support sufficient funding for local authorities to sustain the services that children and families need
4. All children deserve qualified teachers
Children should be taught by qualified teachers. Every parent expects this for their child. Yet astonishingly the Government allows academies and free schools to employ unqualified teaching staff. 15% of teaching posts in London’s free schools are currently filled by people without qualified teacher status. Many supply teacher agencies are using unqualified staff to stand in for teachers. These private agencies are making huge profits from this; money that should be spent on children’s education.

* that every child in every lesson is taught by a qualified teacher
* an efficient London-wide, co-ordinated system for properly paid and qualified teachers to cover teacher absences.
5. An equal chance for every child in London
For decades our schools have brought communities together, challenged stereotypes, overcome prejudice and helped close the gaps in our often unequal society. Countries which rank schools in league tables based on narrow test scores end up with more unequal outcomes for children than those which develop co-ordinated education services. If we’re to overcome the barriers so many children face, we need the Government to drop the policies which are making it harder for teachers and schools to work together. World conflicts bring pressures to our capital’s schools. It’s vital that the new Mayor and London Assembly take the lead in ensuring that London’s schools remain places where children and teachers of all races, religions and backgrounds can debate the world around them and learn from each other’s experiences.
The NUT calls on the next Mayor and London Assembly to:
The NUT calls on the next Mayor and London Assembly to:
* promote social cohesion for the benefit of every London child
* champion sufficient investment for local councils to sustain specialist high quality services to meet the diverse needs of children; including children with SEND, from refugee families, or who have English as an additional language.
* champion sufficient investment for local councils to sustain specialist high quality services to meet the diverse needs of children; including children with SEND, from refugee families, or who have English as an additional language.
6. An end to child poverty in London
London is home to some of the wealthiest and some of the poorest people in the UK. Almost four in 10 children in the capital grow up in poverty. As well as affecting children’s health, this poverty impacts directly on children’s learning and educational outcomes. Child hunger is a significant problem in London schools. Welfare benefit cuts and the bedroom tax are hitting families hard. Shockingly, in-work poverty has risen by 70% over the last decade. Nearly two-thirds of children growing up in poverty live in families where at least one family member is working. London’s Mayor should ensure provision of the high quality childcare and early years education which is proven to improve the life chances of children living below the poverty line.
We call on the next Mayor and London Assembly to
London is home to some of the wealthiest and some of the poorest people in the UK. Almost four in 10 children in the capital grow up in poverty. As well as affecting children’s health, this poverty impacts directly on children’s learning and educational outcomes. Child hunger is a significant problem in London schools. Welfare benefit cuts and the bedroom tax are hitting families hard. Shockingly, in-work poverty has risen by 70% over the last decade. Nearly two-thirds of children growing up in poverty live in families where at least one family member is working. London’s Mayor should ensure provision of the high quality childcare and early years education which is proven to improve the life chances of children living below the poverty line.
We call on the next Mayor and London Assembly to
Read a NUT briefing on Child Poverty here |
* the minimum wage for London to be at least the London Living Wage (currently £9.40 an hour)
* adoption of robust targets for reductions in child poverty.
* adoption of robust targets for reductions in child poverty.
7. An end to exam factories
Read more on the NUT website |
The NUT calls on the next Mayor and the London Assembly to
* champion a rich and rewarding school experience for every child in London
* hold an investigation into the effects of excessive testing on our children’s mental health and well-being.
* hold an investigation into the effects of excessive testing on our children’s mental health and well-being.
What you can do:
1. Talk with friends, colleagues and neighbours about our vision for the future of children’s education, and distribute the manifesto to homes near you.
2. Help out on a Standing Up for London’s Education stall where this manifesto can be discussed with members of the public.
3. Hold an after-work event to discuss this manifesto and the issues local parents would like to raise with candidates.
4. Together with other parents and teachers, meet or write to mayoral candidates to ask their position on this manifesto. Then tell other parents and teachers what they have said.
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