Saturday, 31 May 2014

Gove doesn't understand - I do. Please vote POWELL-DAVIES #1 for NUT GS

Even my opponents have conceded that my campaign materials have been well-received in schools. My clear call for a calendar of action and for the Union to reach out to parents and mobilise members around clear campaign objectives have also struck a chord with beleaguered classroom teachers.

The confusion around the decision taken by the last meeting of the NUT National Executive has also confirmed why I am arguing that the Union has to ‘sharpen our message’. A decision to move our planned strike to July 10, hopefully to build a stronger and broader strike alongside support staff colleagues, was instead reported by the National Union as again postponing “to allow time to see if progress is possible in talks”. (see the Lewisham NUT newsletter - to better understand why July 10 has been chosen).


Regrettably, the May/June edition of ‘the Teacher’ failed to even mention the NUT General Secretary election. Some NUT members may still be unaware that, from June 4th, they will be receiving a voting paper to make a choice between myself and Christine Blower. Yet, if members are to vote, the first few days after they receive their voting papers are vital - before they get lost in teacher workload!

Anything that you can do to alert members and to draw attention to my campaign materials would be much appreciated. Thanks to the assistance and generosity of Local Associations and campaign volunteers, copies of my leaflets have been sent to schools across England and Wales. However, it is local recommendations and conversations that make the most difference. So please, if you can:

  • Display and distribute my campaign materials in schools.
  • Recommend to colleagues that they vote - and that they vote POWELL-DAVIES 1 !
  • Text and/or email members about my campaign, especially as ballot papers arrive at home.
  • Share my election materials and campaign video - all available to download under “Campaign Resources” on the right-hand side of this blog page.
  • Share my 300 word election statement, posted below:


I am seeking your support to lead the NUT in a battle we cannot afford to lose.

Whoever forms the next Government, Ministers will continue to: 

  • Cut costs, attacking pay, pensions, conditions 
  • Fragment schooling, narrow the curriculum, damage children’s education 
  • Scapegoat teachers while child poverty deepens

Teachers have solidly supported their Union’s campaign to defend education but know it’s far from won.

We experience:

  • Demoralisation and worsening workload
  • Pension and performance pay legislation imposed
  • Bullying and discrimination replacing encouragement and advice
  • Ofsted and observations instead of genuine support
  • Colleagues driven out of a profession they once loved


Continued public campaigning is essential but we will only win serious concessions when we show we are prepared to take serious action.

We must:

  • Prepare a calendar of ongoing action, rather than isolated ‘protest’ strikes
  • Reach out to parents, explaining we act to defend education
  • Escalate next term to maximise pressure before the Election
  • Collect strike funds to support those in greatest hardship
  • Organise firm workload action across schools

To mobilise support, we need clear objectives:

  • Real limits on teachers’ overall hours
  • At least 20% PPA for all
  • A full pension at 60 - not 68
  • End Performance-Related Pay
  • A £2,000 increase on all pay points
  • Abolish Ofsted and league tables


If elected, I will:

  • Encourage professional unity and united trade union action
  • Strengthen workplace organisation across all sectors
  • Build vibrant Local Associations
  • Publicise campaign successes
  • Sharpen our media messages
  • Work to reclaim education from damaging ‘reforms’
  • Give members confidence to take the action needed
  • Remain on a classroom teacher’s salary

“ Powell-Davies has claimed that our education reform plans will make teaching ‘a totally unbearable profession’ ”
 Michael Gove

Gove doesn’t understand. I do.


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