Voting papers for the new NUT ballot should now have arrived at members' home addresses.
Don't put the ballot paper aside - send it off with A YES YES vote straight away!
If a ballot paper hasn't arrived at your home address, ring the ballot hotline on 020 7380 6300 or email
The information with the ballot paper gives five very good reasons for voting YES YES:
1. Teacher workload is far too high and rising - with current stress
levels, working as a teacher until the age of 68, 69 or 70 just can't
be done.
“Everything comes at once - reports, annual reviews, observations ... it’s not one single thing - it’s just the quantity! Teachers are being driven out of the profession” (Lewisham
NUT rep at our ballot briefing)
2) Teachers face too many observations and inspections.
3) Performance Management should be supportive - not used as a means to undermine teachers.
“When teachers are finding
aspects of teaching hard they are just endlessly observed and criticised
instead of being helped and supported” (Lewisham NUT rep at our ballot briefing)
4) We want a national pay and conditions system for all schools, maintained schools and academies alike.
5) Freezing pay and threatening spine points is unacceptable,
especially at a time when the Government is increasing our pension
“Spell out the attacks on
capability and the threats to stop teaching progressing on the pay spine
– or even take away spine points they have got - and I’m sure everyone
will vote YES”. (Lewisham NUT
rep at our ballot briefing)