Saturday, 4 June 2011

Building unity in action between NUT and PCS unions

I was pleased to be able to take the opportunity to build links between the NUT and PCS unions when I spoke at the AGM of the Eastern Region of the PCS in Cambridge yesterday.

PCS reps present were keen to pick up some of our suggestions on how we were building for a strong YES vote in our strike ballot - and even more keen - once our ballots are won -  to be taking joint strike action on June 30, alongside colleagues in ATL and UCU as well.

As I concluded, this isn't just a battle about pensions, it's about making sure that the Con-Dems don't succeed in pushing aside the force that has the greatest power to stand up to their attacks on jobs and services - the trade union movement.

As two of the best organised and fighting unions in the public sector, that means the PCS and NUT jointly have a huge responsibility on our shoulders - but it is a challenge that we can be confident that our reps and members will rise to.

There were lots of reports of plans for strike rallies and marches on June 30 right across the Eastern region. I reported on our plans for a march in London from Lincolns Inn Fields to Westminster Central Hall.

June 30 can be a real show of strength against the Con-Dem cuts - let's make sure it is!

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