Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Work until you drop? - and no jobs for youth

While public sector unions prepare for battle on pensions, youth and school-leavers struggle to find jobs.

But the two struggles are linked. If older workers have to work on in their jobs until they are 68 to get their pension, how will young workers find employment?

It's not just a British issue. The youth of Spain, let down by the political establishment and the trade union leaders, have taken to the streets to protest about mass unemployment. One of their slogans is 'Nietos en para, abuelos trabajando' – 'Grandchildren on the dole. Grandparents working'. (Read more: http://www.socialistworld.net/doc/5084 )

This French protestor made the same point:
So let's win our pensions ballot - but appeal to youth for support as well. In turn, let's support their battles like the Youth Fight for Jobs Jarrow March in October

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