Saturday, 24 April 2010

Year 6 cheer at news that there will be NO SATS

The Headteacher of one Lewisham primary school gathered the Year 6 children for an assembly yesterday afternoon and gave them the news that there would be NO SATS in the school this May. The news was greeted with cheering!

One or two students did later express some disappointment but the Head offered that they could sit an old paper if they really wanted to see how they would have got on. Most of the Year 6, however, were very pleased to take the school newsletter home with the following news on the front page:

UNION ACTION ON SATS: "I am sure many of you will be aware of the recent NUT/NAHT ballot regarding Year 6 SATs ... The majority decision was to boycott KS2 SATs... This will mean that our Year 6 children will NOT be sitting their tests during the week of May 10th. They would have preferred the boycott announcement to have been made earlier in the year but due to trade union legislation ballots can only take place a few weeks before the SATS to be legally valid..."

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